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Solar Panels Technician

It Is Time to Go Solar

Going solar with Tully Electric offers numerous benefits for shopping center owners, retail businesses, apartment buildings, and commercial real estate properties. From lower energy costs and increased property value to reducing environmental impact and taking advantage of government incentives, the case for solar energy is compelling. 

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Why Go Solar with Tully Electric? 

Reduce Carbon Footprint and Promote Sustainability

By harnessing the sun's energy, solar panel installations reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels. Adopting solar power supports the global transition to clean, renewable energy sources and helps combat climate change. For shopping centers, retail businesses, apartment buildings, and commercial real estate owners, going solar demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and the environment.


According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average commercial solar power system can offset over 120,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions per year, which is equivalent to planting nearly 2,000 trees annually.

Take Advantage of Government Incentives and Tax Benefits

Government incentives and tax benefits can make solar installations even more attractive for commercial property owners. The federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) allows businesses to claim a tax credit for a percentage of the cost of installing a solar energy system. State and local incentives, such as solar rebates, grants, and property tax exemptions, can further reduce the upfront costs of solar panel installations.


Consult the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) or reach out to us for information on specific incentives and policies available in your area.

Enhance Property Value and Attract Tenants

Investing in solar energy can increase the value of commercial properties, as tenants are increasingly seeking eco-friendly and energy-efficient spaces. Solar installations can improve a property's Energy Star rating and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, both of which contribute to higher rental rates and occupancy levels, according to the U.S. Green Building Commission


For retail businesses and shopping centers, going solar can attract eco-conscious customers who prefer to patronize establishments that support sustainable practices. Apartment buildings with solar panels can also attract environmentally-aware renters who value green living.

Lower Energy Costs and Increase Profitability

Going solar can significantly reduce energy expenses for shopping center owners, retail businesses, apartment complexes, and commercial real estate properties. Solar panels generate clean, renewable energy, reducing the reliance on traditional, costly energy sources. By installing a solar power system, property owners can lock in lower electricity rates, allowing for predictable energy costs and increased savings over time. These savings can be used to improve overall profitability and reinvest in property enhancements. 


According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), solar power prices have dropped by 70% over the past decade, making it an increasingly affordable option for commercial property owners.

How Solar Works?

Solar power systems provide a sustainable, clean, and efficient energy solution for shopping centers, retail businesses, apartment buildings, and commercial real estate properties. By understanding the basics of how solar power works, property owners and managers can make informed decisions about adopting this renewable energy source.


The cost of solar panel installations for commercial properties can vary depending on factors such as system size, location, and available incentives. Generally, larger systems have a lower cost per watt. To get an accurate estimate for your property, consult a solar installation professional who can assess your energy needs and provide a customized quote.

Solar Panels: Harnessing the Sun's Energy

Solar panels are the primary component of any solar power system. These panels are made up of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity. The more sunlight the panels receive, the more electricity they can generate. 

Smooth and Efficient Solar Panel Installation Process

Installing solar panels on commercial properties, such as shopping centers, retail spaces, apartment buildings, is a streamlined and efficient process. By partnering with us, property owners can ensure a smooth transition to clean, renewable energy.

Utility Connection

After the solar panels are installed and connected to the property's electrical system, the solar power system must be integrated with the local utility grid.  Utility connection and grid integration enable commercial property owners to benefit from net metering, where they receive credits for the surplus solar energy they generate.

System Commissioning and Monitoring

Once the solar power system is installed and connected to the utility grid, it undergoes a commissioning process to ensure optimal performance and safety. We'll take care of maintenance and make sure you get the best bang for your buck.


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What Our Happy Clients Say?

“Our previous electrician set us up so poorly, we were calling every other week! We needed reliable systems 24/7 and Tully Electric took the best care of us”

Sandy Williams, Homeowner

Electric Car Charger
“Tully Electric setup EV Charging at our shopping centers and it has driven tons of traffic to our tenants. We saw an ROI in just a few months. They also handled getting us all the incentives!”

Quinn Davis, CEO Quinn’s Inc.

“We wanted to take advantage of green tax incentives, Tully Electric got us LEED certified with efficiency enhancements and solar, we wouldn't have done anything differently!”

Casey John, Ops Manager GAL’s LTD

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